Spout Springs
One of the highest volume springs in Indiana, you can’t miss this stop in Martin County. The spring exits from the base of Beaver Bluff, eight-tenths of a mile southwest of Shoals. On a sprawling rock wall, known as the “Date Rock,” locals go out on boats during the seasonal floods and mark, in paint, the water levels and the date on the wall.
Directions: Turn left from the Old Courthouse parkinglot onto Capital Street. Turn right at the end of Capital onto US50 and cross the river into Shoals then atthe end of the bridge turn South onto Water street. Stay on Water street as it turns into Spout Springsroad and follows along the river. Just after it crosses the little bridge over Beaver creek, pull off to theside and park. You will be in front of Spout Springs, looking at old rocks and historic marking fromthe great 1913 flood that inundated the Midwest, nearly wiping out Shoals. The road to your right ispassable down to a parking area on the right, about half a mile, or you can walk in. The rocks on yourleft are pitted and pocked with ferns and wildflowers, lichens and liverworts easily seen as you walk onthe road. Beyond the gate, a trail up into the rocks gives you an opportunity to see shell mounds left bythe Indians. This entire area is in the custody of the DNR, who maintain it for public use.